Client satisfaction, along with ethical and professional standards, are at the heart of my services. I work hard to earn high client satisfaction, as I challenge clients, and honored to have witnessed, coached, and shared part of their journey with them.

In 2015, I conducted an anonymous survey of psychotherapy and coaching clients to gain feedback and 93.33% of clients reported the highest rating of “Very Satisfied” with a range of 9-10 out of 10, and “Useful”, “High Quality”, and “Reliable” as two of the highest markers on the overall high marks.


Michelle is the type of person and therapist that makes me feel so much better about any situation I am dealing with coming into her sessions. She knows how to explain why I am feeling a certain way, but she also makes me dig a bit deeper and vocalize why I am reacting or feeling a certain way. By doing that, she helps me to face it and then deal with it. There has not been one session that I have gone to where I don’t feel better afterwards. Michelle is very personable and relatable. She takes genuine interest in what she does. I can’t thank her enough for how much she has helped me and continues to help me. — Male, age 25-34

“An enlightening experience, opportunity to hear each other, and connect as a family. I’m excited to see how it will all unfold.”

— Post First Session Client

“My husband and I have been to many therapists and none have been of any help. Michelle has taken her time to get to know us as people, helped us to learn to communicate, and has taught us many ways to deal with various situations. She is easy to talk to, always answers our emails, questions, and calls, promptly. Michelle has been a huge help to our family and we are lucky to have her services in our lives!”

— Female, age 35-44

“Our work with Michelle has been incredibly helpful in improving the communication between my spouse and me. She has highlighted areas of miscommunication and has taught both of us how to communicate in ways that the other will better understand.”

— Male, age 55-64

“Takes a deep interest in her patients. Very knowledgeable of human conditions. You learn. You heal. She cares.”

— Female, age 55-64

“Michelle brings a natural and deep focus, knowledge, compassion and non- judgement to her client relationships. With her guidance and counseling I have grown tremendously.”

— Male, age 45-54

“Michelle has helped better understand myself and grow my own self love. Her approach is so unique and genuine. I cherish my time with her and feel very supported but also challenged by Michelle. These changes have helped me fulfill many of my goals and enjoy my life in a much fuller and richer way.”

— Female, age 35-44

“Michelle is an incredibly compassionate person, she is a terrific listener, and picks up on little details that many may think of no consequence. She really gets one to think about things in a far clearer way than one otherwise might. I can say that every time I have left a session with Michelle, I have felt great, as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. From what Michelle taught me, I feel so much better within myself.”

— Male, age 35-44


Michelle is bright and articulate and has a solid knowledge base, including understanding of the IPCM framework. She is a systems thinker, presents in a mature and organized manner, and is aware of ethical issues. She does a wonderful job of joining a system and excellent job hypothesizing. Her communication skills are outstanding. She does a remarkable job in making clients feel safe, comfortable, and supported in therapy. She is realistic in her sense of how therapy is progressing. She has been even-handed in her assessment of self in the therapeutic process, always open to feedback that she can integrate into practice. She is quite comfortable in the behavioral frame. Her training in mindfulness has been a positive for her in therapy process. She has a good awareness of transference and countertransference. She always came prepared and organized with paperwork, showed curiosity for learning, and is a team player. She has been supportive of her peers. — Past Graduate School Internship Supervisor, LMFT

“Michelle stood out among her very accomplished graduate student peers not only because she had a wider range of therapy-relevant life and work experiences, but more importantly because of her extraordinary openness to and eagerness for new learning. She is passionate about learning and disciplined at the same time, always using her superior critical thinking ability to facilitate a careful consideration and possible incorporation of new ideas and methods of clinical practice….She is at once warm and empathic, yet comfortable setting necessary clinical boundaries and challenging clients to take growthful risks. She has a remarkable ability simultaneously to keep in full view both the “big picture” of clients’ experience along with the kinds of small details and nuances that so often make a very large difference in a therapist’s grasping of her clients’ experience…Indeed she is a de facto leader among the program’s students and at the same time a very collaborative “team player”.

— Past Clinical Professor, Ph.D.

“Michelle has a keen sense of theoretical and clinical knowledge and has superb skills in integrating both sets of skills. She consistently displays the highest ethical standards and wisdom in her thinking and application of knowledge.

— Current Post-Graduate Supervisor, Ph.D., LCSW

“Michelle came to the program with considerable skills in joining and intervention based on her previous work as a coach. She has worked to integrate a systems perspective into her already considerable repertoire. Michelle is diligent, caring, and completely responsible with her work with clients. She connects well and is very helpful in difficult times with lots of concrete tools for clients. She has been an excellent therapist in training and group member.

— Past Graduate School Internship Supervisor, Ph.D.


“Words like professionalism, honesty, and principled all instantly come to mind when describing Michelle Gossett’s work ethic. Add integrity, reliability, and loyalty, and you scratch the surface of what it’s like to have Michelle on your corporate management team.
Besides possessing the education and skill sets of her profession, Michelle has a winning attitude that embraces all challenges and encourages collaboration. The phrase “team player” is often over-used but Michelle is truly that. She draws the best out of every person, promotes talent and shares successes. She is organized, efficient, extremely competent and intelligent, and has an excellent rapport with people in all walks of life.

Without reservation, and with great pride and honor, I highly recommend Michelle for any position or endeavor that she may seek to pursue. She will be a valuable asset for any organization. — S. L., CFO

“I have the utmost respect for Michelle Kane. I have worked with her in several capacities throughout the years. Michelle has always exemplified professionalism, thoroughness, fiscal responsibility, courage, strength, compassion, and dedication to each and every endeavour while making it seem effortless and fun. She has a way of making everyone feel special, regardless of their position. Michelle is willing to take risks and lead, even while maintaining a conservative approach to a business venture or project. Her versatility allows her to excel in multiple capacities and in multiple environments. Michelle has an uncanny ability to forge new relationships and strengthen existing ones. Any company, endeavour, or project she chooses to apply herself to, will consider her a most ultimate asset. Without reservation, and with great distinction, I highly recommend Michelle.

— L. L., Principle Partner

“Michelle is a smart and driven master at multi-tasking. She is bright, energetic, fair and creative. Her open friendly style helped her quickly connect with new clients. Michelle is a superb sales executive and can convince just about anyone to join her journey. Michelle never meets a stranger she doesn’t win over and always has a kind word and a smile for all.

— D. W., Senior Director of Business Development

“Michelle always put 110% in any project she was working on. She is someone who can quickly assess a business need and quickly provide solutions that make sense.

— M. C., National Sales Director

“We worked on programs that were the first kind in our field. As innovative and expensive programs, they were especially challenging to gain acceptance and implement on such a large scale within the company. Michelle’s exceptional communication and negotiation skills enabled her to deliver cross-functional value, and align special interests with decision makers in marketing, trade, agency, and vendor constituents. She handled complicated and stressful situations with grace and ease. She was diligent in her communication, incorporating feedback, and adapting accordingly…She is someone I lean on for solid, objective, and insightful advice…She is a seasoned executive with tremendous life experience, creative intelligence, excellent interpersonal skills, and a sincere interest in helping others. These qualities, and her other unique attributes, such as her unwavering optimistic and positive outlook, set Michelle apart in a crowd.

— T. C., Health Outcomes Research

“…As our service represented a new paradigm to physicians, there were considerable hurdles to overcome. Michelle did an excellent job of understanding the needs of our target audience, the capabilities of our service, and marrying the two to the mutual benefit of all…She is intelligent, insightful, and a very articulate communicator. She is fastidious in preparation and in follow through. I have nothing but praise for her ability to deal with the tactical situation at hand while remaining very aware of the strategic intentions of the company’s management team.

— J. B., President and Founder

“Michelle’s strongest attributes are her positive personality, ability to accurately communicate with people from all walks, her intense loyalty and dedication, leadership, mission accomplishment, and work ethic, high morals, and integrity….On the administrative side, Michelle has total fiscal responsibilities and meets or exceeds all deadlines. She’s extremely punctual and always is prepared. Michelle documents very accurately and completely.

— D. K., Director

“Michelle was always ready to help out beyond her job description. She understood the strategic goals of the company and worked diligently to achieve these goals. Many times, this required the ability to “think out of the box”, in which she excelled. Her oral and written communication skills are exemplary. She is a good listener. She made sound decisions in a start up and fast-paced growing company. She demonstrated good management skills, and she was a model representative of the company to outside clients and customers.

— E. Z., Vice President

“Michelle is a consummate professional. While I always found her to be extremely knowledgeable and a passionate believer in her product, it was obvious to me that she cared about the end user… She is a very hard worker and tremendously dedicated, quite conscientious and extremely diligent in following through on the smallest of details. She is also very capable of seeing the “big picture” and really understands the nature of her business and its future potentials, as well as the field in general.

— Dr. R. G., Physician Advisory Board Member


If you would like to provide anonymous feedback whether positive or constructive, client testimonial, or recommendation, please do so below. If a therapy client, please omit the contact information, but you are welcome to provide your gender and age range. If you are a business colleague or client, please add your First name and last initial, company name, and email address.
Or, you can access the anonymous survey.

Your comments, questions, feedback, and testimonials are all greatly appreciated.

Kindest Regards,